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Into the Unknown...

Here’s a tale of an individual who was out at the restaurant having their favourite meal and planning about the dessert that would complement the same. There were others who were choosing between the right kind of dal for tadka, most were returning from work or proceeding to, few were managing their house chores and the rest have chosen to rest. Everything seems smooth and relaxed, isn’t it? It has been so, to most extent where we choose to prefer. The bump of the normal distribution curve. 

Then there arrived a day, where a scary virus got a visa to multiple countries and it loved travel like no one has had ever before. December 2019-2020, was full of surprises and with its unique, never-dreamt-before challenges, sacrifices, loss, fear, anxiety, depression, phobias got aggravated, motivation lost in the transit, a harder to try each time, rising above the insecurity, sobbing, anger outbursts, anger management, suppression or expression, holding on to art, burning the negative energy via workout, fuelling one’s resources to make it to another day with resilience. With lockdown worldwide, some doors closed to safety while others to misery. Some reached to destinations where they could survive, others missed the last mode of transport that could take them to. It isn’t known as to whoever survived, lived. What each went through, they themselves know. Some left their belongings to where they stayed, some others had to leave from where they belonged and some couldn’t stay back to the one’s who made them feel belonged. Long days and months of all this, and yet TODAY WE ARE HERE. We learnt to breathe through the chaos. We wore the masks of safety with swag and variety of designs. We learnt to wait until the storm could pass, because we believed it will; it surely will. 

As we stand on the threshold of February 2021, the circumstances aren’t ‘all clear, good to go’ but something’s clear and there’s good as long as we go. 

It is the choices we make for ourselves that we have absolute control over. A responsibility to be and reach at a place externally and internally, where one feels strong, optimistic, brave, efficient, happy, resilient, inspired and holds on to faith. 

The unknown offers surprises and challenges. It may not be what one always wanted, but one can choose to make the most of what ‘is’ rather than what could have been. This transit from unknown to getting rid of ‘un’, is a form of growth that you were assigned to. I know you will make yourself proud by taking up this challenge and rising above the things holding you back. 

‘Every cloud has a silver lining’ and looking at that silver lining one can equip oneself and their people with enough hope and courage. You are allowed to be, to do and to not…anything that you prefer to fill the gap with. Lot of brain-storming, revelations, facing oneself naked, sipping that extra cup of black coffee to soothe your soul, venting or roars of laughter. A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G ! 

At the end of the day, it will mean so much of every little thing you did for yourself, for your people and for strangers you had no tie with. Take pride in being and derive joy and meaning from its essence that you will continue to bloom with, your soul will carry the fragrance of life you’ve lived. 

-Love, J. 


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