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Commitment & Vulnerability

There are waves around me and you too are a part of some ocean. One need not be in the actual waters but the waves hit. The waves of competition, pressure, procrastination, boredom, lack of happiness, doubts, trust issues, unfulfilled expectations, lack of communication and lost courage. These all are the waves that affect us negatively. But look into the wider sea and you will see the waves of strength, courage, resilience, happiness, success and well-being. Get into the boat of self-confidence and drive by efforts. That's pretty much you need to get started! 

Commitment and Vulnerability may seem like poles that seldom meet. But here I present them as sides of one coin. Dictionary definition of Commitment says; its a promise to be loyal to someone or something. While Vulnerability is defined as the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. I believe in two forms of commitment & vulnerability; to self and others and with self and others. 

Being committed and vulnerable to self means to be honest to your own self about what you really are, what beliefs you hold, what you are seeking from life and what you truly value. Your life goals are close  reflections of the life you lead. Your actions add meaning to your goals and ultimately to your existence. Helen Keller called life a 'darling adventure' and how I love that phrase for life. Because there will be very few instances where you get what you want just by merely uttering about it. Hence; if one sees life as an adventure, a darling one that too, then the journey of life becomes exciting. It may have smooth days and rough ones, but at the bottom of your heart you know what a beautiful thing it is to be alive and your mind and soul is one with heart. The ones who seem like they have it all covered, have had their days of struggle and what came out of it is a strong human being. Its in every individual who is currently reading this and the ones who are yet to. What matters is how committed you are to your self and how vulnerable you dare to be with your reflection.
Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. -Abraham Lincoln
Promise that you have offered to self, and the promises you have to keep that involve another being. Yes, commitment and vulnerability to your loved ones is an essential part of being. As humans are social beings who thrive to associate and affiliate, we find ourselves into company of people who match our interests. Only few are the ones who deserve our commitment. When I say about commitment and vulnerability with closed ones; I will like to put emphasis on the 'mutual' aspect of the same. Be like a open book to others; but to only those who know the value of what they are reading. When one considers trust fall; they see people who will hold them. When an individual shares emotions with another being, there's a space within them that holds them. Please find yourself in the relations that allow you to be vulnerable, that make you want to be committed to grow together. Being vulnerable to your loved ones means you tell them how you feel and what makes you happy, what hurts and what you are scared of... there are reasons this can be used to attack you; but you know that all they have for you is protection and infinite love.

We are likely to view our world based on what world has been to us in the past. It is humane to do it that way; you are trying your best to make your life less chaotic. Thunder scares some people, till the day thunder becomes their friend. The uncertainties are steps towards faith. In order to find your 'tribe'; your people who make your quality world, you may have to face some things which you did not expect. Forgive people, heal the wounds that you don't prefer talking about, walk way from some places which do not serve you; do it even if it is hard to. Take the challenge. Why? Commitment and Vulnerability!

As I conclude, I'd like to share a new phrase that I came up with, 'strong enough to be enough vulnerable' ... A little pause here is accepted. It takes strength to be genuine. To be deeply involved into a thing or a person is not easy; but it is worth the effort. Only question you got to have an answer to is: Who is worth it? A lot of things begin to make sense then.

I wish you find the courage to be vulnerable to those who deserve it; count yourself first. May you find your tribe who knows you for what you are, the raw version of you that is not judged; but cherished.The ones who stay and make you stay. In your own space.

Love, J.


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