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Que Sera, Sera (Whatever will be, will be)

Let’s sing along… 

“Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future’s not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.”

-Songwriters: Jay Livingston, Ray Evans
Song by Doris Day

Today, in times of NOW, when there isn’t a clear script of FUTURE available; the best resort perhaps is ‘Que Sera Sera’ translated from Italian ‘Whatever will be, will be.’ 

By virtue of being humans, each of us have vision of WHAT WE WANT OUR LIFE TO BE. William Glasser, a chemical engineer turned psychiatrist, gave us the concept of Quality Worlds. People’s quality worlds are formed of images of the kind of life they would like to have, the people they want to be with, the possessions or experiences they desire, their valued ideas and beliefs (Glasser, 1998). This quality world may be referred as dreams, life goals, aspirations, or you may have a new term for what motivates you to live and to keep living until the quality world is your reality.  

However, there are times when a plot-twist is introduced at most unexpected times. Was it a trip abroad that you had a hard time accepting as not-a-trip abroad? It is taking online classes when you rather be making friends globally; that surely is a tough one. Or is it finding that workspace feeling in the space of house? Feeling like home in what can most be seen as a house? Losing out on plans or having lost a person? Not creating memories or not having enough of them to be nostalgic over? Waiting to being able to catch up with best part of college life; your college group! Packing a bag or seeing an occasion to ordering a new rucksack! Woo hoo! 

Based on a continuum of negative to positive, uncertainties can be given any form. The mere fact of not having things in sight or sorted can be taxing. Trying to navigate and keeping alive the believer in you is a challenge and need of the hour. Yes, things are not easy as they were and who knows if they were at all. What we DO KNOW, is that NOW is what we have. With now comes infinite possibilities. Now is the power that gives us space to create the future that we want. Now is the standing ground and a bridge that takes us to happiness. 

Henceforth, when you do not know the answers, when you are trying to figure out what steps to take, when all you are trying to do is save a sinking boat, you find yourself on a mission to build yourself and establish bonds or strengthen the already existing; here’s the mantra: ‘Que Sera Sera, Whatever will be, will be.’ 

Let me clear what it conveys and what I do not intend to. Firstly, it is not ‘going with the flow’ and not taking charge of your life. Investing in ‘Whatever will be, will be’ according to me, is putting your faith in what is to be. That’s being confident in how you are determined to change the course of happenings for you, no matter what and irrespective of events that unfold. It is being kind to yourself as you hustle. It is seeing hassle as a way to find growth. Whatever will be, will be is holding on to your quality world until it becomes your world. It is affirming and reaffirming until you manifest. Does it sound superficial? To some it may, because they are not yet ready to invest that amount of faith that it requires. Others; you know the power this holds. From the point we perceive this, it is either a long-term plan or a short-term plan that connects to the long-term, an ultimate life goal. As long as you make the necessary moves and you hold on to the vision of it being a reality you live; the day isn’t far when you breathe in its essence. 

These lines, are such that they cannot be not sung; come with a lot of good vibes when faced with confusion and block. Those that say ‘the future’s not ours to see’; do carry a message of how important and essential being mindful is. Further, ‘whatever will be, will be’ gives a broad area for happenings to be, while ‘what will be, will be’ is the secret window that gives you and me, an opportunity to enter that world you always wished to be yours. 

What do these lines mean to you? Do they bring you hope and joy on days you need it the most? Are they your go to lines when you want to sing your heart out? Are they your armour against life’s bitter events? Have you seen them as an anchor to stay connected to your life goals? Well, lines are what we make them to be; just like life and living. 

I surely owe gratitude to all those who have made these lines profound. They bring so much joy to my heart. On a sunny day, if you meet me by the sea side; sing them for me and we will, sing them aloud with all the love that’s ever been born in our hearts. 

Love, J.  

“Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future’s not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.” ❤️


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