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An image of the light at the end of a tunnel, keeps the ones who proceed through the dark; alive. I refer to that light as hope.

How often do we find ourselves in situations where there are no clear reasons to hold on, and yet as we reflect; we held on. That mere act of holding on is a ray of hope in its visible form.

It is easier to talk about hope, challenging to indulge in such an adventure, and easiest when you experience its miracle. A wise individual once said, ‘Have hopes not expectations; you will be surprised but not disappointed.’ I wish to bring your attention to the aspect of hope which makes it ideal to invest our time and effort in. Having hope only has benefits for the ones who truly understand what hope is. Hope helps you not give up, it helps one stay until circumstances change, hope is a reason most people live and believe. Hope gives feathers to the humans who dream of flying, hope offers reasons why something ‘can be’ even at times it is not yet a reality. 

Christopher Reeve (American actor, writer & director) said, “Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.” For the dreams and possibilities that we dwell on, those that we strive towards… have a sense of meaning attached to ourselves. A little hope is what takes to begin with, followed by determination and investment of various kind. Hope can be seen as a seed that you sow, for seeing the plant that you have desire to nurture. Hope is the root base for a tree of satisfaction and fulfilment that you deserve.

I insist, don’t have dual mind about whether or not to believe in the power of hope. One may ask why and you already know the answer for how negativity and doubt manifests itself even if that was what you never wanted. Call it self-fulfilling prophecy where your beliefs or expectations are backed by actions that bring it to fulfilment OR call it a power of your subconscious mind which manifests what you affirm. So, if researchers have proven these findings then why not be benefited by its miraculous effects? 

Thousand people can tell you what hope is and how it can enrich your experiences, add sparkle to your perception of your vision… BUT until you actually believe in it; it won’t feel real. To find yourself in the positive energy of hope, to recognize its practicality, to bet on its results, incorporate hope in your belief system, to adapt to hope as a way to go forward; c-a-n / w-i-l-l take some time. May be days, weeks, month or months, perhaps years… take up that process and let hope reveal itself for you as you hope to find hope one day.

To the infinite positive and life enhancing features of hope; I wish that you come to believe in the power of hope. I hope that you start seeing opportunities in challenges and cultivate hope as a way of being. Hope is often a first step for energy, efforts, dedication, persistence and manifestations. Start today; with a little hope to plant a seed of life you always wanted.

May hope be your constant companion!

Love, J. 


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